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Shixiong Qi (齐世雄)

Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science, University of Kentucky
Email: shixiong.qi[AT]
Office: 315 Davis Marksbury Building [Google Map📍]
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How to pronounce my first name Shixiong 

How to pronounce my last name Qi  


About me

I am a tenure-track Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Kentucky. My research interests are wide-ranging, covering cloud computing (including serverless computing) and networked systems and their applications, such as cellular networks, NFV, and middleware. I received my Ph.D. under the supervision of K. K. Ramakrishnan in the Department of CSE at UC Riverside. See my CV for more details.

🔊 Current openings

I have a few openings starting in Spring 2025 or Fall 2025. Please visit Openings for more information.

Recent News

  • (Aug 24) Woohoo! New site says hello world!